Sing Sing Sing
I am bliss!
If you could remember
that first flight into paradise
Your mind was really calm and still
But, hey! Now! Look! You’re popping pills ! (sing like your shocked!)
Two shirts were all your possessions
And, your choices really simple
Your wardrobe got hundreds now
And you can’t decide,
which one will impress h--er/ hi--m
Bottles parade like a fashion show in Fear’s medicine cabinet
Mirror on the wall glows and says
"Hey man !! Look at the fear you have sow--ed?"
Even with your loaded bank accounts
Your soul is on heavy discount!
Surrounded by security, you gotta ask:
"Why is your soul steeped inside so much of insecur---i----- t-y ?"
This song is a dialogue between 2 parts of one’s self: one part which is reflective, thoughtful and knowing; and the other, which gets ahead of itself, needing external gratification and validation.
This is set in the context of an Immigrant’s mind, someone who once struggled to arrive on America’s shores, and in and after the process of achieving 'success', ends up becoming addicted to various forms of external achievements-- i.e., after having succeeded, the migrant realizes that he is addicted to the constant need of achievements validating his identity, and as a result, he develops all kinds of addictions to identities and ideas about success, and in this madness,.. develops all kinds of anxieties..
And in this song, the immigrant begins to question the cost of success which came at the cost of a loss of self-esteem and all kinds of manmade urban fears…
The song is set in the scene of: how would the migrant, after returning to the same immigration spot, 20 years from where he was first stamped, answer the question to when the Immigration officer asks: "What is your address?"
The song is a reflection of the Immigrant's journey about what’s the meaning of immigration, the cost of success, along with its side effect of self esteem ….and lack of awareness for the address for Love within.
Cut to the chase, man!
Immigration is real deep stuff!
We need to fast forward on your questions on address and stuff, …and
Instead let’s look at the complexity of immigration…!
Hey !
Did you know that more than a third of the world is displaced at any given point of time?
And...they are all searching for happiness!
Hey officer ! Why don’t you try and understand the pain of an immigrant—as s/he leaves an address behind,
Even after an immigrant succeeds, the pain never subsides… Oh no! no !
Seems that their sense of loss, identity and loneliness spiral forever…even after their success!
Just look at the depression stats ! Hmm… Look at the chemicals that parade in Fear’s fashion show!
Prozac 1—Trifluro methyl phenoxy propam. Ooh oooh (sung) oo--h!
Xanax—Alprozalm aaah (sung)
Propranolol, Hmmmm… no (sung) that’s not the cute lol in front of the propano.. Oh no no no!
Hey ! This is serious stuff….
We are addicted to these, and m---ore…
It's amazing that technological progress has never increased people’s self esteem.Actually it did the opposite..
What’s the purpose of all this technology if we are just going to get addicted …? just to remain sane!
We seem to be in the middle of a machine!
With no time to look inwards, (sung) we are programmed like pacman to move along dots, click ‘like’ buttons and go shopping!
Look at all our talented immigrants and talented artists!
Hey ‘They'll need to like themselves..! (sung)
So to get back to your question, as to what the purpose of my visit is ?
I have come to America to bring back lo--ve!
I’ve come to sing so that we can rediscover our inner core of lo--ve!
I’ve come to sing so that we can surrender to our inner core of Lo--ve!
That’s lying deep in each one of us,
In that quiet space In that quiet place called heaven.
Immigration Officer: that was really cool!
Mahamaya Experience is the brainchild of Ranjit Makkuni, who wanted to explore the power of ancient and modern psychedelia. A band of world-class musicians from different parts of the world that have come together to create a unique blend of Asian jazz music.
Mahamaya Experience
Won’t let my Ego
Hijack my sunsh--ine
Hey Officer?
Did you know that a third of the world is displaced at any given point of time, and they are all searching for happiness!
There is this quiet place inside of me
That’s safe its my HEAV---EN x2
Hell--o –o---w!
There’s this quiet space inside of me
that’s safe its MY heav-en
Hello--w !! There is this quiet place inside of me Where love lies hid—ing
There's this quite space inside that’s safe
Its my heaven
Hellow !! There is this quiet place / space inside of me that’s pure
Where i need nothing!
When I left Asia, long ago, I left not only an address behind, but had left Nature based living and Ecological Awareness based Living behind!