Sing Sing Sing
I am bliss!
This song speaks to the changes we can make in the design of economies, in order to create peace in our communities, and to realize equity in the world.
The Butterfly Effect is a scientific phenomenon that suggests small changes, even that of a butterfly’s wing flap, can create changes elsewhere.
Therefore, instead of a world economy driven by greed and self-interest, the singer laments on the inequitable world, yearns for peace, becomes hopeful, and asks her butterflies to spread messages of equity, peace and joy.
As always, Mahamaya is drawing inspiration from the pursuit of a more equal world. Halfway through, a heavy drumbeat drops, turning the song into an all out rocker. The fusion of old and new is the perfect embodiment of Mahamaya’s one of a kind creative aesthetic.
SoundBetter Reviews, Jan, 2023.
lmlool at 1:12: Still burning! great track, the drop is fire
Too cool man! Love the bassline
straight up fire from the start to the drop all the way through
Cotton Music at 0:07:
Amazing. This track its just explosive!
Music People at 1:03:
another fire beat. always looking forward to hear the next one.
Butterfly Sitar Jam opens with a mind bending sitar solo accompanied by ethereal backing vocals, setting the stage for a long, eventful musical oddessey. As always, Mahamaya is drawing inspiration from the pursuit of a more equal world.
The magic flutter of your colored wings
creates a tall hur-ri-ca-ne.
Small actions, local changes
causes effects else w-h-er-e ….
The curvy wriggle of Shanghai’s dragons
gives us pain, not gain!
The mouse clicks of a blue dressed suit in the tall Apple
can plunge innocents into darkness!!
For the 2 martini lunch in the 'big apple,'
is what it takes
to save a farmer from suicide.
No happiness to be gained
in not healing others’ pains.
No happiness to be gained
in not helping others access middle lanes.
No happiness to be gained
adding more inequity, in a zero sum gain.
There is there is No happiness to be gained
creating ego based chains.
“Listen to the Mahatma” (Mahatma for Gandhi)
The world has enough for every one’s need
But not quite enough for every one’s greed!
So it’s been a while since we’ve covered an instrumental on Lost In The Nordics but it’s for a good reason. For us, it’s really challenging to dig through a lot of submissions and find something that creatively speaks volumes without some sort of imagery from the vocalist. With instrumentals, it’s extremely challenging because it has to tell a story and keep your listeners interested, but that’s exactly what Mahamaya Experience and Ranjit Makkuni did with their latest ‘Butterfly Sitar Jam, Excerpt 1, 2, 3, 4’.
We’re obsessed with Mahamaya Experience and Ranjit Makkuni’s “Butterfly Sitar Jam, Excerpt 1, 2, 3, 4”!
by Jessica Lloyd
January 23, 2023
Butterfly Sitar Jam – Mahamaya Experience (reviewed by Dave Franklin)
Dave Franklin, January 21, 2023
...In short, across these thirteen exciting and entertaining minutes, you will hear the echos of all music from traditional and classical sounds to pop to rock to folk…it is all in there somewhere.
We are eased in by music which is very evocative of the land that Mahamaya hails from, the perfect place to start this fascinating odyssey. But, having given us a firm footing, the music quickly fades to be replaced by something more frantic and folky, a hybrid of western roots and eastern experimentation. This, in turn, is subsumed by sweet and sensual vocals, gently forming ambient music into ethereal pop music, although the term pop music doesn’t do justice to the deftness and delicacy of the piece.
And so it goes on. Adventurous and dexterous jams bleed into heavy rock salvos, replaced by western-sounding ballads and ornate sitar tunes soaked in otherworldly vocals. There is room for spacious playing and intricate noise walls; the dynamics shift from the lulling and the low to the crashing and crescendo seeking, from music for quiet contemplation to energetic and euphoric dance numbers.
It isn’t too much of a hyperbole to say that Mahamay Experience is a place where worlds meet. Not just the geographical ones mentioned earlier but those of genre and generation. Musical styles, sounds and even eras come and go, and behind the music are philosophies and ideas to be found and thought about. Even at its most vibrant, the music is thoughtful and meditative; it invites you to consider the place of greed and ego in the world and confront them.
By Indiechroniquedaily / janvier 19, 2023
En ce mercredi froid, indiechronique vous emmène au cœur d’un voyage sonore pas comme les autres, celui de l’incroyable Mahamaya Experience. L’artiste à su nous transporter à nouveau dans un ailleurs musical enchantant.
Par ses mille couleurs musicales, et inspirées de belles énergies d’Asie de l’Est et du Sud-est, la discographie instrumentale de l’artiste explore les sonorités électriques entre jazz, rock et structures psychédéliques. Les sitars merveilleux offrent des rythmes salvateurs et les arrangements aux paysages sonores poétiques enivrent.
Entre modernité et respect des traditions, Mahmaya Experience passe à travers sa musique des messages forts d’espoir, de compassion, et nous offre la promesse d’un bien-être instant à l’écoute de sa musique, ses improvisations et ses collaborations avec Ranjit Makkuni.
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