Sing Sing Sing
I am bliss!
2 Prayers
from the Upanishads, interpreted in compositions for guitars and sitar, offer prayers for 'the end of suffering.'
The Upanishads are an ancient Indian text, containing the oral teachings of their teachers. These teachings are believed to reflect the earliest philosophical thoughts on life and the universe through poetry, stories and meditation.
If you love the sound of plucked lutes and sitar, this is your jam. A modern jazz version of the ancient prayers, composed by a unique combination of plucked lutes, guitar and sitar, composed with beautiful solos and a passionate singer representing the Goddess herself.
May all be freed from danger,
May all realize
what is good…,
May all be actuated
by noble thoughts,
May all rejoice
May the wicked
become virtuous,
May the virtuous
be tranquil,
May the tranquil
be free from bonds,
May the freed can make others fr--e--e.
be satisfied…
May the power be pleased,
for the whole world becomes pleased.
May the power of music
be satisfied
For the be power being satisfied,
the universe is satisfied.
PEACE, PEACE, Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace.
I first encountered these verses during the Sunday prayer meetings at Vedanta Society, Vallejo Street in San Francisco where I listened to Swamiji Prabuddhananda.
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